By GALA Expert
October 3, 2024
Pauli Murray commission details for review by commission consortium choirs.

Artists: Steve Milloy-Composer, Kim Hines-Librettist, Jane Ramseyer Miller-Dramaturg/Conductor
Lucia Roderique-Soprano soloist/narrator, Aimee K Bryant-Alto soloist/narrator
Sincerely Yours, Pauli Murray: Song List and Story Arc
1. Pauli Murray: you think you know? – perusal score
Intro to Pauli Murray character and story
2. My Boy-Girl (1910 Pauli born) – perusal score
Chorus, Narrator 2 as Aunt Pauline
Sung by Aunt Pauline reflecting on Pauli’s early years and her role as mother
3. Ridin’ the Rails (1931)
Chorus, Narrator 1 and soloist (as Pauli & Peg)
Pauli and Peg Holmes jumping trains on trip west.
4. Off the Rails (1937) – perusal score
Chorus, Narrator 1 solo
Gender dysphoria, depression/mental illness- her first lover marrying a man.
5. Hold On (1940) – perusal score
Pauli and Adelene McBean arrested and jailed for refusing to move to the back of a bus.
6. Brown Vs Board of Education (1944 & 1954) – perusal score
Chorus, Narr 1 as Pauli, Narr 2 as Spotswood and narrator
Pauli’s role in the overturn of Brown vs Bd of Education
– in the transition from the 40’s to the 50’s, Narrator 2 becomes the “older Pauli”
7. Soulmates (1957 – year that Pauli and Irene Barlow met)
Love song duet with Pauli and Renee
Based on Paradox poem by Angelina Weld Grimké
8. Jane Crow (mid-1960s)
Chorus, both narrators and solos
Fight for women’s rights, connection to intersectionality.
Song based on “Oh Wallace” Civil Rights song – recording
9. Grief and Rebirth (1973)
Chorus, Narrator 2 as Pauli on solo
Death of Renee, calling to priesthood
Song based on Schuman Piano Concerto (Pauli’s favorite – played at Renee’s death)
10. Be a Spark: what cha gonna do? (1977 ordained)
Chorus, solos & narration
Transition to ministry. Call to Action.
To consider this work for performance by your chorus sign up on the commission webpage.