Protecting Youth and Your Chorus

By  GALA Expert 

 November 29, 2023 



All adult staff, artists and volunteers working directly with youth should have a criminal history and child abuse background check completed and on file in your chorus office. Each state and province has different forms for this process and the cost is approximately $70. Ask your local school what they use as a guide.

In addition, many organizations also include fingerprint-based FBI criminal background checks to cover people moving from state to state. State welfare departments collect these fingerprints and the cost for clearance is generally under $50.

Your chorus should pay for background checks for their staff, regular volunteers and artists that work directly with youth. Clearances should be renewed every two years.

Important: meet with an attorney to insure that your youth and your organization are protected.

In addition, your chorus and staff should consider this coverage for your organization:

  • Liability insurance appropriate to their activity
  • Codes of practice for each adult working with youth
  • Training for all adults to understand their responsibility to safeguard children
  • Molestation insurance for primary staff working with youth
  • Requiring a criminal background check for any youth performers 18 years or older

Adult Choruses Working with Youth

GALA adult choirs that collaborate with youth or sing in schools should have very clear guidelines for any adults singing or rehearsing with youth. Here are a few sample documents

GALA Choruses in Schools

See One Voice Mixed Chorus (Minnesota’s LGBT and allies chorus) in action as they perform with youth in schools.