Guidelines for Collaborations with Minors

By  GALA Expert 

 November 29, 2023 



Guidelines for Rehearsals and Performances with Minors

When interacting with minors, at rehearsals, performances, and in the community, adult members of the Chorus will review, learn and employ the following definitions and guidelines for the safety of all persons involved:


1. Minor is defined as any Chorus, Fifth-Section, community member, student, or any child of the aforementioned parties, 17 years of age or younger.

2. Adult is defined as any Chorus, Fifth-Section volunteer, or Staff member 18 years of age or older.

3. Express Consent is defined as an action initiated by the minor or consent given by the minor following request of an adult.

Guidelines for Interactions with Minors:

1. Adults shall exercise discretion when speaking or joking using profanity or sexual innuendo in proximity to any minor.

2. Adults will refrain from asking personal information of a minor, including references to sexual orientation, sharing phone numbers or any contact information.

3. No adult shall allow themselves to be alone in any private area, including, but not limited to, classrooms, restrooms, vehicles or dressing rooms, with any minor.

4. No adult shall engage in physical touch of any variety with a minor without express consent from that minor. This shall include, but is not limited to, handshaking, hugging, or the patting of shoulders, backs, etc. Any physical touch of a questionable nature initiated by a minor, based on the best judgment of the adult, shall be avoided explicitly. Sexual intimacy between and adult and minor, consensual or not, shall not be tolerated and will result in immediate removal from the Chorus as well as protection according with the law.

5. No adult shall transport in a vehicle any minor without written consent of that minor’s legal parent or guardian. This shall apply most stringently to minors who are non-relatives of chorus or Fifth-Section members.

Updated May 13, 2012