“If you’ve heard this story before, don’t stop me, because I’d like to hear it again.”
– Groucho Marx, comedian
Lesson 6: Final Touches
Students will be prepared for a final performance of their piece.
Introduction and Lesson Materials (30 minutes)
In this final lesson, facilitators should choose between repeating the process from the last session or having the classroom perform the pieces in front of the entire class.
At the end of the session, provide a piece of blank paper to each student. Have each student write their name on the front side of the paper. Then, students should pass the papers around, giving each student the opportunity to write a message to their classmates about their performance, expressing what they learned from or what they appreciate about each person.
Homework (30 minutes)
If you are performing this piece in front of another audience, continue to practice according to the elements of the rubric.
Once you have edited your performance piece, please share it here: (https://forms.gle/kPC8wuHayX7HtufV6)
Please name your performance piece as FirstName_LastName_TitleofPiece_Genre (i.e. Robert_Taylor_LightHeight_Rap)