The Song & Production Entry upload will open the first week of April and must be completed by May 1. This information helps our tech crew track your equipment and production needs for each song.

It is time to enter your song and production detail into the Integra system! The Song & Production Entry must be completed by May 1. The Song Entry information helps our tech crew track your equipment and production needs for each song. Note that you do not need to upload all song information at once. It will be possible to start the process, save your information, and complete it later.
Check out the 30 min video on Song-Entry Tips and Tricks.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Name of each song, composer, lyricist, arranger, publisher, exact length of song (entered in concert order)
- *Proof that you have rights to perform this song at Festival – see the detail below for what to prepare
- Speaking in between songs – this should be timed and listed in your concert order
- Any movement on stage (dancers, props) for each song
- Update your chorus bio which will be visible on the Integra Phone App:
– In your Admin Dashboard select MENU at the top right.
– First menu item is “Organizational Details”
– Scroll down to “Choir Details”. At the bottom of this list you’ll see your “Short Bio”. - Upload a stage diagram with markings for where you would like the piano, music stands, mics, etc. Note that the default for each stage is piano on SR and no drum kit. Movement of these items comes out of your 30 min concert set. Attach the Stage diagram to the first song in the “File Attachment” section.
*All songs performed at Festival 2024 must include documentation that they have been purchased legally. This is to protect you as a chorus and GALA. The information below will help your chorus prepare all song documents for upload to the Integra Planner.
Integra Song Entry
General information for Song and Production entry into the Integra Planner system allows us to track your equipment and production needs for each song and makes for a smooth performance at Festival. Here’s how to enter your music (download a PDF of these instructions with screenshots here):
- Log in to the Integra Planner at and move to your Administrator Dashboard.
- Scroll down to the Festival schedule information for your chorus.
- Click on the 3-dots menu at the far right of your scheduled concert and select “Program.”
- On the Event Program page, all choruses performing in your block are listed. Scroll down to the section for your chorus and click on the green “ + Add song” button.
- You should now be on the main page for song, copyright, and production detail entry, Add Event Program.
- You can enter the information in stages, starting with the first song Title, but be sure to SAVE what you have entered before moving to the next page or logging out.
- After entering the event item title, type, and duration, click NEXT to continue entering information.
- Attach your Stage diagram to the first song in the “File Attachment” section.
- Be sure to check “Publish” for each song so that your entered information shows up on the Integra Phone App. Do not publish things like speaking or transitions.
Published Music
Verify that you have legally purchased copies of this song for every person on stage (singers, instrumentalists, ASL interpreter, conductor, etc). You must be able to provide one of the following in order to perform the song at Festival 2024:
- The Publisher and Catalogue # is simply here to assist other choirs in finding this arrangement if they want to perform it. You can also list a web link to the “Distributor” where you purchased the song (SheetMusicPlus, Hal Leonard, JW Pepper, etc).
- Attach a receipt showing purchase date, title of the song and number of scores.
- OR Physical representation of the scores previously purchased or from your chorus library
- Attach a color photograph of published scores with the title page and number of scores clearly visible.
- OR, a photo showing each chorus member with a published score in hand!
Custom Arrangements of an Existing Song
Attach a signed license to arrange from the copyright holder—typically the publisher of the song. Include license expiration dates if applicable.
Any custom arrangement performed at Festival must include documentation that verifies that your chorus has permission (or a license) to arrange. This is an area where some choruses are particularly culpable with regard to copyright compliance. To protect your own liability and that of GALA Choruses, licenses will be monitored carefully and there will be no exceptions.
Choruses that are not able to produce valid licensing for custom arrangements will not be allowed to perform the song on stage.
- Permission to arrange may be granted ONLY by the copyright holder or their authorized agent.
- If an arranger tells you they have authorization to sell you their arrangement, ask for written confirmation or contact the copyright holder directly to verify.
- If you don’t know where to start, look at the copyright information on the score or contact the music publisher directly.
- Permission to arrange may be secured directly from a songwriter if you know them personally and they control the copyright to their music.
- Sheet Music Plus has an easy option to publish arrangements and secure licensing:
- Permission to arrange does not grant permission to share the arrangement/score with another other chorus.
For questions on fair use of parody review this article. Note that it is not a “parody” to simply change the lyrics of a song. In order to qualify for fair use, the new work needs to be a reaction to or related to the content of the original work.
Public Domain
Obtain documentation to verify that the song is in the public domain. Submit a copy of an original score showing the appropriate publication date prior to 1924, or an academic source showing the same.
Petrucci Library at has a searchable database. Attach a screen print or save a PDF of the webpage showing that the song you are performing is in the public domain.
- Some scores listed in the Petrucci Library are not considered public domain in the US. These are noted on their website as Non-PD US.
- A song in the public domain may be arranged. In this case, the arrangement may NOT be in the public domain. Attach permission from the arranger.
- Just because a composer has been dead for 70 years does NOT make their music public domain. Ownership of a song can be assigned to a living person or organization/company that continues after the death of the composer.
Use of Tablets on Stage at Festival
Choruses may use tablets containing choral scores on stage at Festival 2024 as long as that chorus has purchased, or licensed scores for each singer.
Commission, Manuscript or Unpublished Score
Verify that you have permission from the copyright holder to print scores and to perform the song. If you commissioned the piece, your commission contract may be attached assuming the contract includes permission to perform the song. Otherwise request a letter from the copyright holder of the song (see template below).
If your commission contract does not outline rights for the lyrics you must also include permission from the copyright holder of the text.
Permission Template for a Manuscript or Unpublished Score
NOTE: this document does not include permission to arrange a song. An arrangement license must be procured from the publisher or copyright holder.To: Chorus Name
Date: DateThis letter verifies that I am the copyright holder for the song Title-of-Song composed by Composer-Name. I grant Chorus-Name permission to print scores and perform the song listed above at the GALA Choruses Festival, July 10-14, 2024 in Minneapolis, MN.
[Add if applicable: I also waive any Grand Rights and grant permission for Chorus-Name to add dialogue, pantomime, choreography, stage action, or visual representation as a part of their performance of this song.]
Name of Copyright Holder: XX
Electronic Signature: XXEmail contact: XX
Phone XX
Mailing address: XX
Grand Rights
Grand Rights: The performance of music from a musical, ballet, opera or other dramatization which includes costuming, choreography, depictions of the show’s characters, or the development of a story may require Grand Rights.
A grand rights license is only available from the copyright holder, which is typically a music publisher, or in the case of musicals, a theatrical licensing agent. Contact the copyright holder or publisher if you are unsure whether a song requires Grand Rights.
For more information on Grand Rights:
NOTE: GALA staff will review all song list submissions. When the information provided has been accepted we will change the approval status to “approved” in the Integra Planner. If there is a question that needs to be resolved before it can be approved, we will convey the question in the “approval notes.”
If proof of compliance with all copyright requirements cannot be obtained your chorus will not be allowed to perform that song at Festival.
Chorus Introductory Video
Your chorus introduction video may only contain music and images that are in the public domain, unless you have obtained permission for any copyrighted images or music. A license to use music in video is called a “sync license” and is different from a license to perform or a license to arrange.
Sync rights must be obtained directly from the copyright holder.
Optional sources for music on your video:
- A composition you have commissioned. Request rights from the composer.
- Music licensed through Creative Commons or other shared music sites: read the requirements:
- music on the site may be used free of charge in exchange for a link to their site. See requirements for composer credits.
- : most music here can be used for free but read the instructions carefully for the different kinds of music licenses and how the composer is to be credited.
- read the requirements for crediting the composer.
- songs free for use through a Creative Commons License.
NOTE: performing or recording a song does not give your chorus the right to use it in a video.
If you still need help, contact Artistic Director 411 Advisor Kathleen Hansen: