Asian Queer Choirs: A Perspective in 2018

The concept of “Asia”, particularly as a cultural signifier, has always been problematic. It assumes a high degree of commonality across what is the world’s largest continent, and has been…

Motherless Child

Commissioned by the GALA Choruses Festival V — 1996, Tampa, Florida. Motherless Child is derived, in part, from the African-American spiritual “Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child.” The original song…

Oakland Gay Men’s Chorus

…Rainbow Community Center, The Lighthouse Community Center, The Center for AIDS Services, The Pacific Center for Human Growth, Women’s Cancer Resource Center, Adopt A Special Kid (AASK), and Alameda Meals…

Asheville Gay Men’s Chorus

…diverse and experienced, our members are brothers working together to broaden our friendships. To foster LGBTQ community spirit and present a positive gay image to the community at large. AVLGMC serves…

Sacramento Women’s Chorus

…that blend meaning with fun, only to find that they have become part of a remarkable, welcoming community. The SWC attracts a diverse community by combining compelling social issues with…

Sound Circle at the TANK Center for Sonic Arts

…The TANK Center for Sonic Arts: New Yorker article: Colorado Public Radio: Denver Post article: Los Angeles Times article: Thanks, Sue Coffee Artistic Director Sound Circle/ Resonance Women’s Chorus/

VOICES of Kentuckiana

VOICES of Kentuckiana is a diverse and inclusive chorus for the community founded in 1994, with a mission to celebrate diversity and foster positive social change through artistic excellence. As…

The Rainbow Chorale of Delaware

…serves as a positive force for change. In addition, the Rainbow Chorale supports other institutions and individuals who serve that community. Love of music is common to everyone. When we…