Des Moines Gay Men’s Chorus
Artistic Director
Executive Director

The Des Moines Men’s Chorus boasts 40-50 singers who have banded together to sing in support of justice, inclusion, and love. It is open to those who sing in the tenor and bass ranges, regardless of gender. The chorus was founded by Dr. Randal A. Buikema in 2001, who also served as the Artistic Director until 2005. Its first electrifying performance, given before a standing room only crowd, was filled with the promise of a chance to make real change. Artistic Director and Conductor Dr. Rebecca Gruber came to the DMGMC in 2006 and led the chorus until stepping down in 2020. In 2022, Eric Shepard takes the reins as the new permanent Artistic Director and Conductor.
The DMGMC makes art that the gay community can be proud of. We trust that our visibility in the arts community and the community at large will bring about acceptance and change. The DMGMC is proud to support Iowans as they work for civil justice in the workplace, in housing, for safety in our schools, and for racial equality. People come to our concerts for good music, of course, but they also come to declare something important about themselves. Our presence as “the gay organization” has made a difference in the lives of central Iowans, and has been a boon to men’s choral music in our region.
The Artistic Director and the Board of Directors plan a concert subscription series and dozens of other performances highlighting the gifts and skills of gay people and declaring the dignity and worth of all persons. The Des Moines Gay Men’s Chorus produces a three concert series per season and, together with their small ensemble group HarMANY, perform at many community outreach events each year reaching an estimated audience of 20,000.
Where in the world is Des Moines Gay Men’s Chorus?