By GALA Expert
May 29, 2023
Check out the many ways to connect with Trans, Nonbinary, and Intersex community while at Festival.

Join the gathering of Trans/Nonbinary/Intersex folx after the TransFusion Cabaret!
Friday, July 12 from 8:30-10:00 pm
Location: Westminster Hall
Sign up for the Trans & Nonbinary Festival Chorus conducted by Waigwa. Almost full so register now!
Perform in the TransFusion Cabaret on Friday, July 12. Submit your cabaret act by April 1 (no joke!) and get ready to shine! Questions to Gillian (they/them) at
Key of T: an interactive performance featuring nonbinary/trans singer Ari Agha (they/them), Mackenzie Lyn Marr (she/her) on piano, and everyone who shows up! Ari shares their experience of singing voice transition with testosterone to reveal under-explored possibilities of voice for everyone, regardless of gender identity. Key of T reminds us of our vocal range and genderful freedom. Join us to hear yourself anew and be a part of the choir. July 13 at 10:30 am. Check the Integra App for details!
Check out Sam Bullington’s 2020 blog: Trans at Festival.
Check back here for a list of daily workshops lead by, and for, trans/nonbinary/intersex folx at Festival 2024.
Want to connect in other ways? Check out the New Harmony room for meeting times before each evening Blockbuster Concert.