Tour Host Organization Guidelines

By  GALA Expert 

 November 29, 2023 



Host Organization Details

Updated November 2013

In each city where One Voice performs we identify a “host” organization to produce the concert, organize the community and get local folks to the concert! The goal is to have many community groups involved in marketing and assisting with the concert, but one organization should be identified as Host to provide primary coordination.

The role of the Host Organization:

  1. Produce the concert: Contract with a performance venue and cover all performance costs and concert logistics (tune piano, find or rent risers, make sure details are in place for performance).
  2. Organize ushers and other volunteers needed to host the concert evening.
  3. Spread the word and fill the house! Send out e-mail announcements, hang posters, contact local papers, TV & radio stations, mail postcards, visit groups to encourage them to attend.
  4. Provide a meal for singers before (or after) the concert. We love potlucks since that is a great way for us to get to know your members and learn about your work in the community. We would especially enjoy a shared meal with the singers who will be performing with One Voice in the concert. At dinner we welcome you to take a few minutes and talk about your programs and current projects. We will travel with approximately 100 people (75 singers and 25 roadies, kids and organizers) and will get have a more accurate meal count by early June.
  5. Serve as emcee for the concert.

Optional for Host Organization:

  1. Produce concert programs: Some host groups like to print their own programs so that you can include information about your projects for audience members. If you prefer, we can bring the concert programs. Programs should include: the One Voice logo, contact information, chorus description and a listing of the songs for the performance.
  2. Have a table in the lobby to promote your work and hand out information.
  3. Solicit program ads (if you want to cover some costs via ads).

One Voice’s role:

  • Provide approximately 75 singers for a 90 minute concert.
  • Offer an infusion of energy for your organization’s work in the community!
  • Design concert posters and flyers that may be used for promotion (PDF files).
  • Bus rental and all travel arrangements.
  • Manage hotel arrangements for singers (singers cover their own hotel costs).

Benefits for the Hosting Organization:

We hope that providing this concert we can provide an infusion of energy for your organization’s work in the community. The concert should give your organization some visibility and an opportunity to increase your mailing list and contacts. In addition to enjoying an evening of great music, we hope that your organization will be able to use proceeds from the concert income to support your work.

Concert Production Requirements: 

  • Performance Hall: should seat at least 300-400 audience members depending on how many audience members you expect.
  • Stage space: need space for 75 singers on risers. Five sets of risers take up approximately 28 ft x 6.5 ft… plus room is needed for the piano and conductor.
  • Lobby space and 1-2 tables for selling One Voice merchandise.
  • Rehearsal room (warm-up space/holding tank) with chairs for at least 60 singers.
  • Equipment list-style-type:
    • Piano: should be tuned the week of (or day of) the performance.
    • 5 sets of 6-foot Risers* (3-steps)
    • 4 music stands
    • 2 vocal microphones for solos and speaking
  • Technical Assistance: Technician needed to turn on lights & sound equipment and operate the system. Lighting technician may or may not be needed depending on the lighting system of the hall.

*If risers are available locally that saves us having to bring risers along in the bus. Check out your local options first. If risers are not available we can supply them.

One Voice does not charge a set fee for our outreach performances but we do ask that the Host Organization make a donation to assist with our travel costs. Bus rental and travel costs are approximately $5,000 for a three-day outreach tour. In addition, Chorus members pay for their own hotel costs. It is helpful if the Host Organization/s can donate $500-1,000 to assist with One Voice’s bus rental and transportation.

The Host Organization will handle all tickets and ticketing procedures, including pricing for the concert. You can decide whether to set a ticket price or just ask for a donation at the door. Asking for donations is usually easier and generally hosting groups bring in at least as much income this way. However, if it seems like an advantage to sell tickets, go for it! We only ask that that concert be affordable and accessible to the local community.

After production expenses, profits will be kept by the Host Organization. One Voice Mixed Chorus will provide a donation box, which will allow patrons to donate funds directly to the choir. All donations from the box will go solely to One Voice Mixed Chorus to cover outreach tour costs.

One Voice Mixed Chorus will sell merchandise before and after the concert. All proceeds from the merchandise sales will be kept by One Voice Mixed Chorus.