Sample Chorus Case Statement 2

By  GALA Expert 

 November 28, 2023 



Mission, Goals and Vision: Artistry. Advocacy. Community

The GALA Chorus is a volunteer community chorus with a mission of… (identify your mission statement. Provide a short list of organizational goals. Much of this content and the content to follow could be pulled from any grant narratives you have already written.)

Strategic Vision:

What is your strategic vision? When you have achieved ultimate success, what does that success look like for your chorus, for your community?


Talk about the background of the Chorus – how it was formed, key moments in the history of the organization. 

Role of the Organization in the Community

Describe your chorus in relation to your community – your city’s LGBTQA community, the greater community, your audience. What is your role? What are examples of things you have done within your community to make it stronger? 

What are examples of artistic successes?

What have you done for outreach? Performances outside your normal venue? 

Do you partner with any other organizations within the community? Who are they? What does this partnership look like? How has it been successful for both of you? 

The Chorus fulfills its mission by providing a safe haven for artistic expression among gay men and by inspiring social interaction through public concerts and outreach efforts. In addition to being both an ambassador and a gathering place for the LGBT community, however, the Chorus also changes lives through the performance of significant music. Our repertory of choral and popular musical compositions ranges from classical and liturgical to contemporary works and world premier commissions. These works stretch our singers and musicians as well as our audiences. Music is the common language that we use to tell the stories of our community, encouraging our audience to find relevance in what we sing with events from their own lives, bringing us closer together.

How Your Support Helps Our Chorus

How does donor support benefit your organization? Think of specific examples. Refer to the First Case Statement document for examples.

Our Current Season

You may want to list your upcoming season – what is already scheduled. Describe your concerts in a way that the donor would find appealing. You may not want to use the same marketing copy you have written to promote and sell concert tickets, but revised copy that speaks to what the donor would find relevant. How does this concert support your mission, etc.


Wrap up your narrative – revisit key points.