By Mitch Galli (he/him)
February 10, 2025
This survey is ideally completed by all of the students who will be attending the assembly in a few weeks.

This survey is ideally completed by all of the students who will be attending the assembly in a few weeks. There are a few reasons for this pre-assembly survey. The first is so that we can incorporate some of the statistics into the script and share with the students a little more about their community—these are things that most district surveys do not capture that help the students feel more a part of their community and/or learn about areas where there is room for growth. For instance, students share if they have acted like a bully. During the assembly we share this statistic and then I address those that confessed to being a bully to talk about the fact that they get to wake up every morning and choose how they treat people and that they have the power to choose to be kind and challenge them to start doing so.
We also share with the students the percentage of students who have identified as queer, who are unsure, and who are asexual to normalize that all of these are normal and that no one is alone. The second reason for this survey is to collect the hopes of the students in the school. I then filter the results to just show me the hopes of students who have identified as queer. I choose 15-18 of these hopes to have them anonymously read during the song performed with the school’s choir. Uplifting the hopes of the students is an incredibly powerful moment to hear what the youth are thinking and needing.
Survey Link
Survey Text
RHYTHM Pre-Performance Survey
The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus will be coming soon to [SCHOOL NAME] to perform RHYTHM: Reaching Youth Through Music. In preparation for the performance, please take a moment to complete this 16 question survey to help the Chorus learn more about your community before coming to perform.
- What grade are you in?
- 6th Grade
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- 9th Grade
- 10th Grade
- 11th Grade
- 12th Grade
- What is your gender identity? (check all that apply)
Gender Identity Definitions:
TRANS: A person whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth
GENDERQUEER / NON-BINARY: A person who does not identify with the binary boy or girl genders- Girl or Woman
- Boy or Man
- Trans
- Genderqueer or Non-Binary
- Unsure
- Prefer not to say
- Other:
- What is your sexual orientation? (check all that apply)
Sexual Orientation Definitions:
GAY: A boy who is attracted to other boys
LESBIAN: A girl who is attracted to other girls
BISEXUAL: A person who is attracted to their own and opposite genders
PANSEXUAL: A person who is attracted to other people regardless of their gender identity
QUEER: A person whose sexual orientation is not exclusively heterosexual (straight)
STRAIGHT: A person who is attracted to the opposite sex
ASEXUAL: A person who is not sexually attracted to anyone- Gay
- Lesbian
- Bisexual
- Pansexual
- Queer
- Straight
- Asexual
- Unsure
- Prefer not to say
- Other
- For the following statements, select the number based on how strongly you agree.
- My peers and teachers refer to me using my correct pronouns (he/him, she/her, they/them, etc.).
- I have at least one adult AT SCHOOL that I can go to for support.
- I feel connected to my peers.
- I understand the challenges that my LGBTQ+ peers go through (LGBTQ+: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, or Other).
- I have ACTED LIKE A BULLY in school.
- If I see someone being bullied, I say something to make them to stop.
- I have knowingly met someone who identifies as LGBTQ+.
- Yes
- No
- I don’t know
- I have attended at least one live musical performance.
- Yes
- No
- I don’t know
- I have seen a gay chorus perform.
- Yes
- No
- I have heard of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus.
- Yes
- No
- For the following questions, please provide as much information as you are comfortable providing. Please write in complete sentences.
- What is something you hope for (It can be a hope for yourself, your school, community, family, friends, etc.)?
- What challenges do LGBTQ+ students deal with at your school?
- What is something you LOVE about your school?
- What is something at school that can be improved?
- Thank you for completing the survey. We look forward to meeting you on [DATE OF ASSEMBLY]!