RHYTHM: Media Release Form

By  Mitch Galli (he/him) 

 February 10, 2025 

If you are planning to capture any photos or videos during the assembly, it’s important to have any students who will be involved (from the choir, GSA, or otherwise) submit a release form before the assembly so you can stage people accordingly to capture the magic and respect everyone’s comfort levels.

A logo, the text


If you are planning to capture any photos or videos during the assembly, it’s important to have any students who will be involved (from the choir, GSA, or otherwise) submit a release form before the assembly so you can stage people accordingly to capture the magic and respect everyone’s comfort levels.

Media Release Form Text

The undersigned enters into the following agreement with the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus (SFGMC). I have been informed that SFGMC may be capturing images and videos and that my name, likeness, image, appearance and/or performance is being captured and made part of RHYTHM publicity.

  1. I grant SFGMC and its designees the right to use RHYTHM in any format, now
    known or later developed. I grant, without limitation, the right to edit, mix or
    duplicate and use or re-use the recording in whole or in parts as SFGMC may elect.
    SFGMC or its designees have complete ownership of RHYTHM, including copyright
  2. I grant SFGMC and its designees the right to broadcast, exhibit, market, and
    otherwise distribute RHYTHM in whole or in parts, and alone or with other products,
    for any purpose SFGMC or its designees determine. This grant includes the right to
    us RHYTHM for promoting or publicizing.
  3. I have the right to enter into this agreement and am not restricted by commitments
    to third parties.
  4. SFGMC has no final commitment or obligations to me as a result of this agreemen
  5. In consideration of all the above, I hereby acknowledge receipt of reasonable and
    fair consideration from SFGMC. I have read, understand, and agree to all of the
    above and that the rights granted SFGMC herein are perpetual and worldwide:

Print Name



If this person is under the age of 18, a legal guardian must sign below.
I certify that I am the legal guardian of the students named above. I give my consent to
the foregoing on his or her behalf.

Print Name

