This workshop’s goal is to learn more about the experiences of the queer students on campus so that they can be uplifted during the whole-school assembly.

This workshop’s goal is to learn more about the experiences of the queer students on campus so that they can be uplifted during the whole-school assembly. Everything is said within a safe space and I communicate with the students from the beginning that if there is anything that they do not want shared in front of the school to just say that during the workshop and I respect those wishes. By the end of this workshop I have a good understanding about what is working well on campus and where there is some room for improvement. I sprinkle this information throughout the assembly to help uplift the queer voices in the school.
Lesson Plan
My name is Mitch and I’m with the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus. The goal of this workshop is to share our experiences as LGBTQ students and allies of the community so that we can create more safety and acceptance at Bayside Academy.
(Give a run down of the agenda)
Before we get into the first activity I’d like to go around and have everyone say their name, what grade they are in and their preferred pronoun. I’ll start…
“My name is Mitch, I graduated from high school in 2008 and my preferred pronoun is he, him, his, but I also don’t mind they, them, their”
- Safe space
- Confidentiality (what does that mean to you?)
- Have fun
Does anyone have any agreements you want to add to this list?
Warm-Up Activity/Discussion
“I share common ground with anyone who ____” then say something about yourself that is true.
Every student will say something.
“Take a risk”
Did anything surprise you about this activity?
How, if at all, does this activity relate to your experience at Bayside Academy?
Writing prompt
Thinking about the common ground game we just played, identify one thing that’s happening for you at school that you are happy about AND one thing that you wish were different.
I’m going to give you 1 minute to write.
Based on that one thing, write down one thing you need from other students or teachers at this school to make that situation better. Please keep in mind that what you write will be shared with another person.(1-2 minutes)
Do a pair share (1 minute each)
- My name is ____ and something you may not know about me is
- My name is ____ and something I want my peers to know about me is
- My name is ____ and something I want my teachers to know about me is