By GALA Expert
July 2, 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic is not over. It is now “endemic”—something that, while no longer urgent, is still present everywhere among us and something we still need to be vigilant about. A few GALA member choruses have even had to cancel recent pride concerts.

There are over 7,000 GALA Choruses delegates at Festival 2024, and we need to watch out for one another and keep each other safe. Many people in the GALA community fall into high risk groups for COVID, RSV, and other highly contagious respiratory diseases (those breathing-related diseases that are spread by airborne germs between people). But there are easy things we can do to prevent an outbreak here in the Festival Village.
The COVID-19 pandemic is not over. It is now “endemic”—something that, while no longer urgent, is still present everywhere among us and something we still need to be vigilant about. A few GALA member choruses have even had to cancel recent pride concerts.
We won’t be policing anyone, but in keeping with CDC guidelines with regard to respiratory viruses, we encourage people to:
- Wear MASKS during public travel to Festival, while indoors at Festival, and in large crowds. The mask should cover both your nose and mouth.
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Cover up your coughs.
- If you feel unwell, TEST yourself and stay inside your room until you test negative for 24 hours.
We have a limited number of masks and Covid-19 test kits at the Delegate Services desk.
Breathing is so essential to singing. Let’s work together the way we sing together to protect our breath and our voice, and let’d do the easy things to PREVENT the spread of infection.