Deadlines for Individuals

By  GALA Expert 

 April 30, 2023 


Deadlines for individuals attending Festival 2024.

A stylized line drawing of a bird made from a treble clef, and staff paper


July 10, 2023Delegate registration opens. Note that registration is not complete until the questionnaire is done and payment is received.
October 31, 2023Deadline for 30% Delegate Registration discount.
March 31, 2024Deadline for 18% Delegate Registration discount.
November 20, 2023Chorus and Ensemble performance schedule announced. Festival Chorus registration opens!
February 7, 2024Housing reservations open. This is separate from Festival registration.
February 2023Deadline to sign up for Festival Chorus performances.
June 10, 2024Hotel Cancellation Deadline
July 9, 2024Arrive in Minneapolis to be ready for Festival Chorus rehearsals and any early chorus tech rehearsals.
July 10, 2024Festival performances begin. Plan to arrive early enough for rehearsals. Festival Chorus rehearsals all through the day!
July 14, 2024Festival 2024 Minneapolis closes.