
By  GALA Expert 

 May 26, 2023 


Festival Street Banners are a long-standing GALA Choruses Festival tradition and we invite your chorus to let everyone know that you’re part of the festivities.

A stylized line drawing of a bird made from a treble clef, and staff paper


Festival Street Banners are a long-standing GALA Choruses Festival tradition and we invite your chorus to let everyone know that you’re part of the festivities. Your personalized banner will be professionally printed with your chorus and/or ensemble name and city, along with the Festival 2024 logo.

These banners are double-sided and have pole-loops at both the top and bottom. The banners will be hung by the city along 11th and 12th Streets in the Festival Village giving your chorus banner maximum exposure. After the close of Festival, the banners will be returned to GALA Choruses and we will ship them to your chorus for your future use.

The cost of a banner is $150 and includes packaging and shipping. Banners can be ordered through the Online Store within the Integra Planner software application.

Order deadline is April 1, 2024. Questions may be addressed to Robin Godfrey at

Three examples of possible banners for Festival. From left to right they are green for Denver Gay Men's Chorus, blue for Charis St. Louis Women's Chorus, and purple for Denver Gay Men's Chorus. The bottom of each possible banner has the Festival Logo, which is a graphic design of a loon with the text for GALA Choruses 2020 Festival.