By GALA Expert
May 29, 2023
GALA Choruses is perhaps best known for coordinating and hosting a quadrennial Festival. This signature event, known as the Gala Festival, is held every four years to celebrate over 15,000 singers representing nearly 200 LGBTQA choruses, primarily throughout North America but also world-wide.

GALA Choruses is perhaps best known for coordinating and hosting a quadrennial Festival. This signature event, known as the Gala Festival, is held every four years to celebrate over 15,000 singers representing nearly 200 LGBTQA choruses, primarily throughout North America but also world-wide.
In 2020, the GALA Festival was scheduled to be in Minneapolis, Minnesota. More than 1,100 songs would have been sung in three venues: Orchestra Hall, the Minneapolis Convention Center and the majestic Central Lutheran Church. Over 170 performances were scheduled, all open to the public. In addition, 120 performance hours were slated to be broadcast live via the internet. Its predecessor, the GALA Festival 2016 in Denver, was the largest LGBTQA performing arts gathering in the world. The GALA Festival 2020 was expected to top that. Sadly we, like so many other arts groups, were forced to cancel due to COVID.
With 2020 behind us we are planning and looking forward to a robust and much-needed Festival in 2024. Due to pent-up demand, we expect that the GALA Festival 2024 will break all previous attendance records. It is not an understatement to say that it is highly anticipated by the GALA Choruses’ membership. There are several impactful opportunities for supporting GALA Choruses at Festival 2024 while raising your profile and reaching our attendees.
Customize your sponsorship packages with select add-ons to help your message target our audience and strengthen your institutional marketing plan. Studies show that our LGBTQ demographic is very loyal to those who support them, and in return will show their appreciation for your thoughtful support of GALA in a valuable and constructive way.
Are you looking for brand loyalty?
According to Community Marketing Inc. & Harris Interactive:
- 55% of LGBT consumers will choose to do business with companies that are committed to the diversity/equal treatment of the LGBT community.
- 70% of LGBT adults stated they would pay a premium for a product from a company that supports the LGBT community.
- 78% of LGBT adults and their friends, family and relatives would switch to brands that are known to be LGBT-friendly.
Survey respondents responded to the following questions:
1.) “Corporations that support LGBTQ equality are more important than ever.”
85% Agree
13% Neutral
2% Disagree
2.) “I tend to support companies that market to and support the LGBTQ community.”
78% Agree
20% Neutral
2% Disagree
3.) “Companies that support LGBTQ equality will get more of my business this year.”
76% Agree
22% Neutral
2% Disagree
Today more than ever you’ll find loyalty here. Thank you for considering investing in GALA Choruses!