Alcohol and Cannabis Laws

By  GALA Expert 

 November 7, 2023 


GALA encourages Festival delegates who enjoy alcohol and cannabis to use responsibly, and to respect Minnesota’s laws.


GALA encourages Festival delegates who enjoy alcohol and cannabis to use responsibly, and to respect Minnesota’s laws.

Alcohol in Minnesota
A person must be 18 and over to serve alcohol and be 21 and older to purchase alcohol in Minnesota.
The state bans open containers in vehicles. Any open bottle of alcohol must be transported in the vehicle’s trunk. Also, Minnesota has a “per se intoxicated” rule, meaning anyone with a BAC over 0.08% could be convicted of a DUI.
Beer with less than 3.2% alcohol can be sold at grocery stores. Wine and distilled spirits are only sold at municipal liquor stores. Bars, restaurants, and clubs can serve alcohol every day from 8 AM to 2 AM.

Cannabis in Minnesota
Recreational cannabis use and possession by people 21 and older is legal in the state of Minnesota, effective August 1, 2023. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law, where it is still classified as a controlled substance. Learn more from Meet Minneapolis.