
A list of scenarios to help your chorus consider how it works towards anti-racism

Phoenix, Colorado’s Trans Community Choir found ourselves at the center of controversy when parental complaint around our scheduled performance of our original play, Raven’s True Self, at a local elementary school was taken up by the CBS Denver News.

The front office at the schools often ask for a list of everyone coming onto campus, so having this list is helpful to hand them so singers can easily check themselves off when they arrive and it speeds up the check-in process. Schools also then have a record of who is on campus in case an emergency arises.

This is the lesson plan used when going into schools typically 1-2 weeks before the RHYTHM assembly. The goal of this session is to teach the students about the power of making music through the lens of activism to create social change.

This survey is shared with school Faculty, Staff, and Administrators after the RHYTHM assembly.

This workshop’s goal is to learn more about the experiences of the queer students on campus so that they can be uplifted during the whole-school assembly.

The following survey is offered to the students after the RHYTHM assembly.

This survey is ideally completed by all of the students who will be attending the assembly in a few weeks.

RHYTHM: Reaching Youth Through Music is the signature school engagement program of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus.