Rocky Mountain Arts Association

Rocky Mountain Arts Association

Denver, CO, USA

Artistic Director

Executive Director


The Denver Gay Men’s Chorus (DGMC) and Denver Feminist Chorus (DFC), founded in 1982 and 1984 respectively, were founded by gay individuals seeking an outlet for creative expression in a safe, supportive, and affirming environment. Throughout its 41-year history, the Rocky Mountain Arts Association, the not-for-profit organization that governs and manages both DGMC and DFC, has maintained a passionate commitment to the lives and well-being of LGBTQIA individuals.  They have a steadfast dedication to fostering understanding and acceptance among diverse communities in the greater Denver area and throughout the Rocky Mountain region.

The singers of our member choruses believe firmly in the transformative power of music to change and improve lives.  We select choral music that ignites our creative spirit and produce high-quality choral performances that appeal to diverse audiences regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression. Each concert performance is an opportunity to educate ourselves and our audiences about LGBTQ history and the challenges that remain as we continue to strive for equality and full inclusion in society.  We entertain, educate, inspire, and empower.

Beyond the concert halls and venues, we position ourselves boldly at the intersection of art and activism.  Whether through anti-bullying programs in high schools or community outreach programs, we use music as a vehicle to inform and educate our fellow citizens, to provide safe spaces for creative expression, and to foster supportive environments for all members of our community. We are acutely aware of our nation’s current political landscape, the rise of divisive rhetoric, and growing efforts to roll back protections for all LGBTQIA citizens, especially for transgender members of our community.

After the Pulse nightclub shooting in 2016, we organized a candlelight vigil at Cheesman Park to memorialize the victims and provide a space where people could share their grief and show their support.  In 2019, we sang at the inauguration of Jared Polis, the state’s first openly gay governor whose platform “Colorado for All” resonates with us to the core.  Later in the year, our choruses commemorated the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, educating the public about the beginning of the Gay Rights Movement.  In January 2020, DFC presented the Colorado premiere of “Lifting As We Climb,” a commissioned work by renowned composer Joan Szymko in honor of the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment. 

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