OurSong Atlanta
Artistic Director
Executive Director

OurSong is comprised of musicians from all walks of life with varying levels of musical experience. Some members hold degrees in music, some grew up singing in church, some have performed with famous artists and conductors and some have joined OurSong as their first foray into choral music. However, all of us sing with OurSong because we love to sing. We love the gift that making music brings to our lives and we love sharing that gift with our audience.
OurSong has been active for over fifteen years. Before that, there was a gap in the Atlanta LGBTQ+ choral music scene. We needed a mixed chorus. Our community has not grown into the vibrant oasis in the South only on the shoulders of gay men and lesbians in isolation. It takes all of us, coming together, as a chosen family, to make progress and facilitate change. OurSong embodies this collective effort.
For some in OurSong, this chorus has been a welcoming committee, a friendly entree into the gay community upon newly coming out or newly arriving to the ATL. For others, it is a safe haven that allows us to be who we are and to be loved by a lot of people in doing so. OurSong has given us the opportunity to establish lifelong friendships with each other, connections that would likely have never formed otherwise. Many of us spend time together outside of rehearsals, sharing our lives and families. We also share our successes and failures, giving us an exponential dose of joy and decreasing our burdens, something that only comes from sharing the load.
By sharing the gift of music with our audience, we are sharing our love and appreciation for the many gifts our audience has given us, individually and collectively. You see, we could probably all go home after rehearsal and consider our need to “get our music on” addressed for the week, but that is just not enough. What we create together, as OurSong, in a choir room, has to be shared. We.Make.Music. We make words and notes come to life, with our voices and our hearts, along with our shared experiences.
While we may miss a note or word, here and there, we are always giving you our heart. The music of OurSong is the tool we use to communicate our love. Love of song, love of the music we make with the song and love for our companions that walk this path alongside us. OurSong will never simply deliver songs to our audience; when you attend an OurSong concert, you will receive our hearts, in the form of music.
Where in the world is OurSong Atlanta?