By GALA Expert
December 6, 2023

Posted on: March 3rd, 2015 by Martin Brophy
We are dawning. Never has it been more clear that the global LGBT choral movement is here. Whether you’re globetrotting or have friends who do, we thought this list might be of interest:
Andratx Gay Chorus Festival in Mallorca, Spain
May 7–10, 2015
Spain’s first gay choirs festival, hosted by Mallorca Gay Men’s Chorus
“Undoubtedly set to be one of Spain’s noisiest and craziest fiestas”
Cromatica in Bologna, Italy
May 30–31, 2015
“Chromatic 2015 will bring together all the choirs LGBT * of Italy in a unique show, to be heard louder and louder the voice of those who want, for our country, a future of equality and equal rights and duties to the law, for a company healthier, more just, more happy.”
First Festival of 8 LGBT Italian Choirs:
‘Queertakte’ (Gay Bars) in Mainz, Germany
June 4–6, 2015
Bi-annual Southern German Choir festival – 16 Choirs, 400 Singers
“An acoustic adventures with wild women, cool ladies, strapping lads (almost) serious men and of course lots of … divas.”
Hand in Hand in Brighton, UK
June 12–14, 2015
With 22 choirs its 3 days of fun beside the seaside beside the sea, in the famous Dome where Abba shoot to fame
Stimmfusion in Cologne, Germany
June 13, 2015
United concert of “Stimmfusion” the network of 8 cologne choirs.
Nordakkord in Leipzig, Germany
August 13–16, 2015
3rd North German Choir Festival, fifteen LGBT choirs and the “Big Gay Sing”. Hosted by Die Tollkirschen, the GMC of Leipzig
Asian Queer Choral Festival in Taipei, Taiwan
October 30–November 1, 2015
First ever Asian queer choral Hand in Hand festival will be held over Taipei Pride this year, hosted by the G-Major Chorus, with choirs from China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.
Out & Loud Festival in Auckland, New Zealand
18–19 Feb, 2016.
Hosted by GALS; Gay & Lesbian Singers, Auckland
Will be held alongside the Out Games
GALA Festival 2016 in Denver, USA
July 2–6, 2016
Choir festival Europride 2016 in Amsterdam, Netherlands
August 4–7, 2016
Up to 20 choirs invited to celebrate Europride.
Various Voices Munich, Germany
May 9–13, 2018
GALA Choruses likes extend a hand of friendship in support and solidarity to all LGBT choirs and choral festivals across the globe. As you can see the strength of the voice is spreading so fast! If you hear of any festival or new choirs, could you drop us a line? And if you are lucky enough experience a visit to one of these festivals we are always on the lookout for interesting stories. Please share your voice with us, at