Accompanist Job Description

By  GALA Expert 

 November 21, 2023 



Name of Chorus

Job Description:ACCOMPANIST
Supervised by:Artistic Director
Purpose of Position:To provide piano accompaniment for chorus rehearsals and concerts, rehearsal CDs and administrative tasks to assist the rehearsal process.
Time Commitment:Approximately 5 hrs per week
Chorus Mission:… Changing the world!


The Accompanist for the Chorus is responsible for the following duties:

1. Accompany all Chorus rehearsals.

  • Provide piano accompaniment for all rehearsals, including:
  • Monday evening rehearsals, approximately 7 – 9:30 pm.
  • 3-4 Saturday rehearsals each year.
  • 2-4 rehearsals with soloists in preparation for each concert.
  • Dress and tech rehearsals.
  • Accompany for sectionals as needed
  • Provide accompaniment for auditions (4 audition nights per year).

2. Prepare recording of rehearsal CDs for each vocal part each season (August and January).

3. Accompany Chorus performances.

  • Three major concerts in fall, winter and spring, up to three performances and a dress rehearsal per concert.
  • 6-8 additional community performances per year.
  • Fall outreach tour (dates)
  • Spring School Outreach concerts (dates)

4. Meetings and communication

  • Participate as a member of the Music Committee (approximately 8 mtgs per year).
  • Meet as needed with the Artistic Director

5. Provide other assistance as requested and agreed upon.